
Ableton push live performer preset
Ableton push live performer preset

ableton push live performer preset
ableton push live performer preset

For those doing more in session view it's probably a game-changer.įor anyone interested, I do have a technique that's working pretty well for now: But its easy to change and make your own too.Thanks, I had taken a look at P2D, and although it looks amazing it's a little overkill for my needs. also parameters are not just spread out either, NI library NKS presets usually have most used parameters on first page, whereas other 3rd party presets are also carefully laid out. Just to point out some corrections in your statement, NKS presets are NOT just spread out as you state, they are all tagged with instrument types, and genre, sound etc. Thanks for your consideration,it can help the community ! I extracted them in the right folder, so they're showing up on screen & on push. I just bought for 35€ the whole arturia collection 7 bundle racks, and I'm feeling being scammed: they are totally empty, no macro labeled, no loading of the plugins etc. I tried TimbresandTones racks for Push as they're often mentioned here and there. I just found this thread about 3rd party racks for sale. There are tons of hours of work behind my Vst Racks and are definitely NOT any sick scam. You can also use them on Touchable in the same way as on Push. The racks are also handy for other controllers for automation or just quick browsing. Presets are easy and quick to browse on Push, parameters are in order after importance and are not spread out like in some nks. , They are packed with midi parameter banks, and with ALL the factory presets, so you can use Push and Arturia V7 completely without looking at your computer. Ive done the Arturia V7 Push Racks so you can tweak the parameters and browse presets. I just saw this, I'm not here very often so that why this late reply. Both could be so much better if each had just a little more functionality in each others areas. WOrkflow is going to be an individual thing and for me, using KK and NKS to browse VST sounds and automate parameters works great, while Push being used to sequence, do drum programming and automate effects also works great and both do compliment each other in that respect. Even Push only shows extra info for Lives own devices (mostly). I know the consensus these days is if there is a screen in something it should show mountains of visual info, but really, synths of past days just had knobs and labels and you twist them until you dial in a sound. Some plugins will report a raw value, some a 0-127 and some a 0-100% value. That will never be possible because plugins need to report values that can be easily understood by KK to make a visual envelope.

ableton push live performer preset

Since push does more, like sequencing, and as I'm no keyboard player I would choose that instead. So much more potential for improvement (as on push).


NI had gold in their hands when they launched mk2 series but stopped further development a little too quickly. There should be seen envelopes contours instead of numbers for instance. If Push ever supported loading NKS files it would be the best feature to ever come to live for me. Komplete Kontrol has far better parameter assignment and the ability to label controls, has the tagging browser, sound previews of each preset as you browse and basically is so much better to use that if I were forced to choose between Push and my KK keyboard i'd choose the KK in a second.


There is no easy way yo update the mappings without doing every preset again. Trying to map controls so the correct ones appear on the right page together when you cannot leave a gap between controllers is a nightmare and some people out there don't really have a good approach to mapping so it ends up a complex mess trying to find the parameter to automate. Issue with the Push method is the parameters that are mapped cannot be labelled or easily spaced out by "pages/banks" in Push so you end up with 20 pages of horribly named controls. I'm also like Mark, I use to use Push a long time ago to browse and load presets and even created preset browsers for Omnisphere, Trilian and Sylenth but then I got a Komplete Kontrol keyboard and haven't bothered using Push to browse any sounds since. Yeah often you will find that parameters have been mapped within the VST loader and not to the macro section (since the macros are limited to 8 and kind of hard to design well to work with all preset sounds).

Ableton push live performer preset